If you feel that 2015 has beaten you

As we get into the last stretch of the year, it appears that everyone suddenly feels deflated and out of steam and the mental count-down towards the end of the year starts. I meet many people at this time of the year who are wishing the year away, claiming it has beaten them or that it has been a terrible year.

I believe that with two months to go, you can turn 2015 into a better year, even if up to now it has not been your best year. Here are some tips –

1) Go back to your goals (or New Year’s Resolutions) for 2015 and ask yourself if there was something you had really set your mind to that you can work on and still make it happen. For instance, your goal might have been to lose 10 kgs. If you start now, you could lose 2 or 3kgs, which is better than nothing.

2) Put some down time in your schedule. Many people are exhausted and feel burnt out. Make sure you have some gaps in your diary in the next few months before the holidays in which you can create some margin and some breathing space.

3) Don’t accept every party invitation you receive for year end events otherwise you might end up saying yes to too many events, leaving you depleted.

4) Why not set 5 fun little goals of things you would like to do for yourself before the end of the year, such as meeting an old friend, going for a walk on the beach. What have you put off this year because you have not had time?

5) Try tackling 5 irritating things on your to do list that have been there for too long, such as cleaning out a cupboard, making that dentist appointment or getting the car serviced. By tackling undones, you will feel a bit lighter.

6) Try tackling some Christmas shopping now before the shops are too hectic. Make a list of your special people and have a plan before doing the shopping. Why not have a more meaningful Christmas where you make gifts instead of buying? Or you share a fun experience instead of giving gifts?

Here’s to finishing strong in 2015!