Women’s month. The questions we ask ourselves can make a difference!
For me, Women’s month is a time to reflect on what women have overcome in their struggle to be recognized as equals in society. It is a time to celebrate the lengths women have gone to in order to fight for equality. For most of us though, these fights seem foreign and distant and for many women, women’s day might not have a personal meaning beyond having a public holiday to enjoy.
As a business coach, I believe that we can learn more from the questions we ask than from the comments we make. Here are some questions that I believe can have an impact on women this women’s day, to remind them of the power that they have to change the world in which they live.
- How have I extended my circle in the past year to include a woman who is under-priviledged, under-networked or lacking in confidence?
- In my daily contact with others, do I lift up other women, support them, speak highly of them and promote them where I can? Do I share about other women’s businesses on social media? Have I offered another busy or stressed woman a shoulder to cry on, a cup of coffee, the offer of a lift for their children to or from school or a home cooked meal?
- When last did I sincerely thank a woman who has had an impact in my life for what they have done for me in the past that has helped get me to where I am?
- When last did I sincerely compliment another woman? We all thrive on recognition and appreciation and many women are in desperate need of affirmation.
- When last did I show my vulnerability to other women? By being vulnerable to other women, we give them permission to do the same.
- When last did I de-bunk the Super Woman myth? None of us have it all together all the time. By sharing our challenges with other women, we can de-mystify this desire for perfection that society has idealized.
- In my charity and community work, am I making a difference to under-priviledged women? In my own life, I realized that I had so much clothing, shoes, linen and accessories and I gave away more than 1000 items in the past three months to charity to help equip women less fortunate than myself.
- When I drive in my car, can I give a lift to a domestic worker with a long commute? What is that 20 minutes I save her in that day is the best part of her day? Can I do just one random act of kindness every day?
- Going forward, what unique skill or ability or commodity can I share with other women?
- How can I be a mentor to one woman in my industry in the next year, sharing my story and the lessons I have learned and giving her a hand up?
- In my words and thoughts am I reinforcing judgements and negative stereotypes about other women? How can I be more inclusive and accept and appreciate other women whose values are different to mine?
I hope that one or two of these questions resonate with you and challenge you to help uplift another woman this women’s day in your own unique way.